Highway Code: Road Signs and Meaning in Cameroon PDF

 The Cameroon Highway Code is the Code of Conduct for human activities related to open roads in a technological age. 

A road is established over land to pass vehicles, people, and animals. The code provides a dependable pathway for moving people and goods from one place to another. 

Learning and following this Highway Code in Cameroon helps you stay alive while using the road. It will help you avoid penalties due to road offenses. It will also teach you how to use the road in a safe and civilized manner. 

Highway Code: Road Signs and Meaning in Cameroon

Roads are typically smooth, paved, or otherwise prepared for easy travel. Historically many roads in Cameroon were simply local or traditional routes without formal construction or maintenance. 

Highway Code: Road Signs and Meaning in Cameroon PDF

The PDF provides a comprehensive content update with the latest highway code information and pictures. It includes the following:

  1. Highway Code with illustrations
  2. Road Signs and Meaning in Cameroon
  3. Information for upcoming drivers to pass their driving tests easily
  4. Rules all road users need to know

Download the Highway Code in Cameroon PDF to learn more.

Highway Code Rules in Cameroon

Rule One: Check the view first

All vehicles entering the fast roads are at high speeds and may be faster than you think. So, check the front, side, and rear view from your car and ensure that the lane you intend to go into is clear enough for a safe distance both in front and behind your vehicle, then just overtake.

Rule Two: Should I overtake on the right?

Remember that overtaking should be done on the left except for the following situations:

When the front driver gives a signal to notice that he will turn left, then you can pass his vehicle to the right. But don’t go too fast, and watch out carefully in case the motorist just wrongly turns his signals or changes his intention to keep going straight or turn right.

  • When you must turn right, turn signals on to notice other vehicles.
  • When you are in slow-moving traffic, and the left vehicles move more slowly than you
  • When running on one-way streets, overtaking on the left or the right is no problem.

Overtake on the right when you need to turn right and have turned signals on to notice other vehicles.

Rule Three: Parked Vehicles

On a typical two-lane road or no matter what roadworthiness, if you intend to pass parked vehicles or other obstacles on your right side of the highway, remember to give way to the car approaching you before passing.

Sometimes, two vehicles are parking parallel (an illegal act), or obstructions like potholes, mounds of garbage, or road work hinder both sides. In these cases, motorists moving forward are often in a dilemma of knowing who will/should go first. And a wise solution is that you let the other go.

The general rule is that the car with a longer distance from the fixtures should reduce its speed or stop to let the nearest vehicle go ahead.

However, sometimes this can be harmoniously considered and agreed upon among drivers to let who go first. 

Rule Four: Cutting into Vehicles

Once you have been ready to overtake, move through the car you are passing as fast as you can. Leave it enough space to go on. Then move to the right of the lane as soon as possible, but without cutting in.

Remember to keep a safe distance between your car and the front vehicle, don’t go too close to the overtaken cars or suddenly out to the left.

Do not be too hostile to accelerate when your vehicle is overtaken. Slow down and let the overtaking vehicle go ahead.

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